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New Growth

How To Support Us



When you donate funds of any amount to Bulwagan Foundation Trust, your gift of giving and support does matter. Every single gift of funds, grant or sponsorship support we receive add up to building the Community Centre. That, in essence, is what sets you apart in making a real difference in the world we live in.

Together with others like you, your gifts will contribute to a monthly stream of funding that equips us to pursue our work of service productively resulting in positive changes and meaningful outcomes for the community.

Here’s how you can help us help others.

Gift Giving Through Automatic Payments

Another convenient way of giving a regular monthly gift is by automatic payments. If you opt to give in this manner, please download and print a copy of our Donation Form. This sheet contains information you will need to complete your automatic payment set up transaction.

Gift Giving Through Direct Credit Payments.

If you have not decided what regular amount to give monthly but would like to make that decision on a month-to-month basis instead, provided below are Bulwagan Foundation’s bank details:

Account Name : Bulwagan Foundation 
Bank Name : Westpac (Lambton Quay Branch)
Bank Account : 03-0510-0797259-03

Gift Giving Through Cheque Payments


This option allows you to write out any number of post-dated cheques for amounts that you feel comfortable with. For details, simply download, print, and accomplish our Donation Form. After you’ve signed this form, please enclose your gifts of giving in a sealed envelope addressed to Bulwagan Foundation Trust.



How Can You Sponsor Us


Bulwagan Foundation seeks corporate sponsors whose aims are to further develop their social responsibility programmes along lines of work which the Foundation does best.

Our aim is to give suitable sponsors sufficient understanding about Bulwagan Foundation and its activities so that they can evaluate the cost effectiveness of our programmes and projects alongside promotional opportunities.


These tendencies become more so apparent in the Foundation’s approach when working with business owners and corporations. It starts with a matching process that sorts out and assesses background work that ensures their sponsorship activities involving Bulwagan Foundation delivers a package of benefits and outcomes.


This collaborative approach helps builds up common interests and increases future opportunities for both the Foundation and its Sponsors to work closely together building on long-term relationships that are mutually beneficial to all parties and stakeholders as well.


We’d be happy to sit down with you to explore ways to further enhance or expand your corporate social responsibility programmes through Bulwagan Foundation.



How You Can Help


What our proposed Community Centre will allow companies like yours to do:


● Work with us and participate in an alliance that makes sense to your employees, targeted  

    demographics and company stakeholders.


● Become a part of the Foundation’s growing affiliate network – Friends of Bulwagan Foundation™


● Tap into the credible community information base that Bulwagan Foundation is building.


● Communicate through the Foundation’s network of community leaders, professionals, law

    enforcement and government agencies, other nonprofits and school officials.


● Gain visibility through public relations and other programme activities of the Foundation.


● Customise according to your corporate needs and strategic goals.



What You Can Expect To Achieve


A corporate sponsor of Bulwagan Foundation can expect to achieve:


a) BENEFITS AND OUTCOMES: The philosophy that drives Bulwagan Foundation’s corporate sponsorship programme is its proactive approach when working with corporations and businesses and one that works on delivering benefits and outcomes.


b) RELEVANCE: Our programmes deliver a continuing message to the public that your company or business has a relevant corporate social responsibility programme in place and that it is actively translating its concern into action.


c) BRAND SUPPORT: The long-term nature of community development initiatives in our country and the continuing involvement of the Foundation in addressing this issue through meaningful outcomes means your support as a corporate sponsor can carry on for several years thereby bolstering your profile, image and brand recall.


d) TAX BENEFIT: Removal of the 5% deduction limit on current tax relief on charitable donations made by companies and businesses means an entitlement to deduction donations made to donee organisations like Bulwagan Foundation that is limited only by the amount of your net income.


CALL US TODAY on 027 3499596

We’d be happy to sit down with you to explore ways to further promote your corporate social responsibility programmes and sponsorship ideas.



Be A Volunteer


The project of building a community centre is a huge project and is a very challenging one.  We only not need monetary contributions but we also need the skills and talents people are prepared to share. Here are some examples of the skills and talents that we need.


  • Writers - to write articles, news, documentary, letters, etc. related to the Wellington Communities, Filipino Community Centre and the Bulwagan's events.

  • Videographers - to take videos of the events and edit them for posting them on social media.

  • Photographers - to take photos of events and stuff related to the work of Bulwagan for the Filipino Community Centre.

  • Graphic artists - to design posters and sometimes logos, etc.

  • Organisers - to help plan and organise events for the centre, etc.

  • Assistants - who would be happy to help in anything, people who would just want to contribute their time, service to the cause.

  • Others - any great and fun ideas to contribute?

Please do get in touch with us even if you think you have some talents and skills not mentioned above.  Please feel free to join us.

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